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DS3F represents a project open to everybody within the marine scientific community and members of associated institutions, government and funding agencies, NGOs, industry, etc. If in doubt which work package or work shop is most beneficial and matches the expertise best, refer to the overview of the structure of the project. Each interested person may further familiarize her/himself with the management and procedures within DS3F and what the overarching goals of the project are.

The following nine work packages exist within DS3F. Please contact the main WP leader or the colleague seconding him/her in case you are interested in participating into DS3F activities:

WP1 Lithosphere - biosphere interaction & resources
WP leader: Walter Roest, IFREMER, France
Gretchen Früh-Green, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

WP2 Sedimentary seafloor and sub-seafloor ecosystems: past, present & future links
WP leader: Timothy Ferdelman, MPI, Germany
Judith McKenzie, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

WP3 Deep biosphere
WP leader: Bo Barker Jørgensen, Aarhus University, Denmark
R. John Parkes, University of Cardiff, UK

WP4 Sediment dynamics & geohazards
WP leader: Miquel Canals, University of Barcelona, Spain
Vasilis Lykousis HCMR Athens, Greece Marine geohazards

WP5 Geofluids and gas hydrates
WP leader: Jürgen Mienert, University of Tromsø, Norway
Angelo Camerlenghi, University of Barcelona, Spain

WP6 Climate change & response of deep-sea biota
WP leader: Heiko Pälike NOC – Univ. Southampton, UK Ralph Schneider, Univ. Kiel, Germany

WP7 Mission-specific subseafloor sampling
WP leader: Catherine Mével, IPG Paris, France
Maria Ask, Luleå Technical University, Sweden

WP8 Infrastructure & Synergies
WP leader: Angelo De Santis, INGV, Italy
Phil Weaver, NOC – Univ. Southampton, UK

WP9 Management & science-policy interfacing
WP leader: Achim Kopf, MARUM Bremen, Germany
Antje Boetius, Alfred-Wegener Inst. for Polar & Mar. Research, Germany